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As Americans, we spend trillions of dollars more on healthcare than anyone else in the world, yet we have shorter lifespans.  Patients are crushed by medical debt, sometimes forced to choose between paying for medications, rent, or food.  Healthcare workers are burned out from being trapped in a broken system—one that has been the greatest rip-off of the American people this century.

       In Broken, Bankrupt, and Dying, Dr. Brad Spellberg tells the story of this tragic failure of American healthcare, from excess deaths to maddening inefficiencies, crushing costs to medical bankruptcies, and bizarre billing practices to absurd waste (learn what a “Johnson rod” is and how it affects your health).

       Dr. Spellberg presents a real-world solution for a better future that differs from the healthcare proposals discussed in the media. Most importantly, he shows us how we can do better—for our families, our businesses, and our society as a whole.

Available at Prometheus Press and
Antibiotic-resistant microbes infect more than 2 million Americans and kill over 100,000 each year. They spread rapidly, even in such seemingly harmless places as high school locker rooms, where they infect young athletes. Throughout the world, many more people are dying from these infections. Astoundingly, as antibiotic resistant infections are skyrocketing in incidence—creating a critical need for new antibiotics—R&D of new antibiotics has ground to a screeching halt!
     Rising Plague tells the story of this grave public health crisis. True and very moving patient stories are shared to emphasize the terrible frustration we experience while attempting to treat untreatable infections, not to mention the heart-break and tragedy that many of these patients’ families have to endure.  The book explains the true causes of antibiotic resistance and of the virtual collapse of antibiotic research and development.  This crucial and timely book is lucidly written in terms that everyone can understand. It issues a call to action, explaining how, through a strong and concerted effort, we can all help prevent this nightmare scenario from happening.
Boards and Wards series available at

Medical students and interns have no time to waste preparing for clinical rotations and the USMLE Steps 2 and 3. That's where Boards and Wards for USMLE Steps 2 & 3 comes in!

     Written in a high-yield outline format, it provides broad coverage of all the major fields of medicine tested on the USMLE and end-of-rotation exams.

Features you’ve come to trust:

--Portable format ideal for clinical rotations
--Coverage of frequently tested topics in a succinct, organized manner
--75 USMLE-style questions for quick, comprehensive review
--Color graphs, tables, charts, and algorithms highlight key content
--Zebras and Syndromes Appendix for easy look-up of rare diseases
--130 USMLE -style questions and rationales for further review and self-testing
--eBook provides fully searchable text
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